Edumaster School Management Software is the nation’s most comprehensive software ever designed for managing schools and educational institutions. It is the leader in the bandwagon of School Management Softwares developed so far. Its large and dynamic database makes it extremely user friendly and covers the miniature details of managing a school in an efective manner. Our software has unmatched flexibility, which can easily cater to any school or institution.
Edumaster is a web-based school management system that serves the public and private school community by providing exceptional, personalized service to each and every client. The system is capable of being networked in a local school network from accounts, bursar, class teacher to the principal or in a head oice managed situation where several schools report to the headquarters. Our powerful, user-friendly school management software and customizable reporting tools allow you to track data analyze trends and opportunities, and report student information easily and accurately. You and your sta will accomplish more than ever before in less time and less eort. We can also add features as per your unique needs which reflect on the dierent cultures and traditions prevalent in schools. eduMaster seeks to unlock the true value of e-resourcing in the education sector.
Enrolment and Student Administration, System handles all the related activities of
- Enrolment system
- Student transfers
- Student Class allocation
- Mid-term examination management
- General Test/Assignment Management
- Teaching activity records
- Attendance register
- School Events Managements
Keeps track of all the mark schedules per class per subject for each student. Supports commenting per subject. Auto generation of reports and transcript on the fly and as required.
Core Features:
- Manages the Banking System,
- Nominal System
- General Ledger
- Cash Book, Bank
- Reconciliation and financial reporting
The system can be integrated with your bank to provide real-time updates to payments made through the bank. With the authority from the bank, a bank statements can be downloaded automatically by the system to facilitate the bank reconciliation process.
Keep track of all the income and expenditure.
System maintains a fixed asset register and keeps track of moveable asset movement between buildings and rooms. The location of each asset can be established on the fly.
Allows for the calculation of asset depreciation. Also allows for the Classification of various kinds of assets. Building Management, Fixed Assets, Management, Asset Disposal, Asset Depreciation, and Facility Management.
Keeps tracks of all current and previous employees including work assignments. Subject and class assignment for teaching employees, as well as performance management. Maintains and tracks each employee qualifications and Leave management.
The system handles the following as part of the inventory and purchasing, Stock management, Purchase orders, Goods Receiving, Inter-branch transfers (For school with two or more branches which are controlled by head office). Internal stock transfers (moving stock from one office to another) and Stock-take management
The module is capable of automatically capturing student records and produce ID cards. The ID Cards can be printed to an ID Card printer.
eduMaster School Administration System provides several strategic advantages to your schools. Total Operational Automation. More time to focus on strategic tasks, Highly Scalable and flexible. Customizable and tailor made to match your unique needs. Advantages to Management, Offers a Web Based Interface, Efective communication between teachers, parents and students. Creation of school’ s tech savvy image. Complete automation of all operations. Centrally stored information with zero Redundancy. Data Security and Integrity. Role based access to system resources. Several Management Reports, Best possible resource optimisation. Availability of microscopic as well as macroscopic views. Cost-efective one-point solution for total school management. Enrolling new and returning students, including student transfers and drop outs. Facilitates keeping of the student data and related performance records for the duration of their academic career at the learning institution. History information is kept based on the school information retention policy. Supports billing students per school session (term); learning level (e.g. Form Level); or Class Level. Also supports adhoc billing. maintains each student account which tracks the Balance and all the financial
transactions with the school. Student Invoicing, Quotation Management, School Fees Management, General Adhoc Invoicing, Payment Receipts Handling, Supplier Payments, Students Accounts and Students Statements. Maintains Daily Collection and banking; including the cash book. School debtors can be accessed on the fly and financial reports can be generated on the fly